Why Hemp?
- Jack Herer
Health and Medical uses
Let's talk about the elephant in the room - CBD(Cannabidiol). The truth to be told, this is just one of over 120 other Canna-compounds in this plant. Each one of which brings a different benefit to the human mind, body and spirit. And No, with cannabinoids you are not under the influence and you will never be. Oh, and did you know that CBD is also found in number of other plants and foods? For instance: Black Pepper, Echinacea, Sunflowers, Black Truffles, good old Chocolate or Cacao, good old Hops, Electric Daisy, Kava, Liverwort, Chinese Rhododendron, and the one that might be surprising for most - human breast milk. Yes, we all have been consuming cannabinoids before we even knew about it.
Why Hemp and not just Cannabidiol (CBD)? Hemp is not CBD and CBD is not hemp. Actually, CBD is a one of over 120 other cannabinoids that compose the Hemp plant. In addition, hemp is packed with protein, healthy fats, calcium, iron, magnesium. In other words, it is power plant filled with benefits.
What about the terpenes? Can you imagine that terpenes are found in other plants besides hemp? Pine, lavender, hops, black pepper, citrus and so much more. You wonder what the benefits are? For instance, Anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, analgesic, anti-fungal are just some of them.
Food Product
Hemp oil and hemp protein are high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is also high in magnesium, amino acids and B vitamins. These essential fatty acids help to maintain good cardiovascular health. They protect the heart, help to maintain lean body mass, and maintain brain function.
The plant itself is an effective forage plant for livestock. In Europe, the oil is used extensively as bird and animal feed.
Hemp seed oil can be used in cooking. Because it has a low smoke point, it should not be used for frying. It has a more intense flavor than neutral vegetable oils, and may be interchangeable with olive oil. An added bonus for growers is that hemp produces twice as much oil per acre as peanuts.
Many European beer producers use the seeds to infuse flavor.
Because hemp produces the longest and strongest natural plant fibers, it has historically been used to make fine marine ropes. It has the added bonus of being resistant to rot and abrasion. These same attributes make it a perfect choice for military uniforms, parachute webbing, and baggage.
Hemp was probably the earliest plant cultivated for textile fiber. Archaeologists found a remnant of hemp cloth in ancient Mesopotamia (currently Iran and Iraq) which dates back to 8,000 BC. Hemp is also believed to be the oldest example of human industry. In the Lu Shi, a Chinese work of the Sung dynasty (500 AD), we find reference to the Emperor Shen Nung (28th century BC) who taught his people to cultivate hemp for cloth. It is believed that hemp made it to Europe in approximately 1,200 BC. From there, it spread throughout the ancient world.
Paper Fiber
Hemp is a very efficient source of paper pulp. A single acre of hemp produces 4 times the amount of pulp that trees will over a 20-year growing cycle. Hemp also requires only approximately 4 months of growth before it is harvestable. The Chinese were the first to recognize the usefulness of hemp in paper making. In approximately 150 BC, they produced the world's first paper, completely from hemp. The oldest documents written on paper are Buddhist texts from the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, composed of a mixture of bark and old rags, principally hemp.
Alternative to Petroleum products
Hemp has the capacity to replace petroleum as a source of energy. Industrial geniuses like Henry Ford have long recognized the value of biomass fuel, calling it “the fuel of the future.” Ford constructed a car made from hemp plastic and ran the car on ethanol made from hemp. The plastic was lighter than steel and could withstand 10 times the impact without denting. Ford knew hemp could produce vast economic resources if widely cultivated. About six percent of contiguous United States land area put into cultivation for biomass could supply all current demands for oil and gas while maintaining a neutral carbon system.
Hemp can replace plastic. Generic plastic is made from fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide during production resulting in climate change. The production of hemp plastic is more environmentally friendly since it does not admit CO2, hemp plants actually capture carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. For every ton of hemp produced, 1.63 tons of carbon is removed from the air. These plants also enrich the soil they’re grown in. The deep roots prevent soil erosion so the farmland can be cultivated over and over again.
Building Materials
When mixed with limestone and water, a hemp composite material forms a type of concrete (Hempcrete) that can be used in building. Though it can’t be used as a load-bearing material by itself, it is significantly lighter than similar materials (1/9th the weight), and works very well as an insulation material that is airtight, yet breathable, flexible, and repels some vermin.
Hemp blocks can be formed into a building material similar to concrete blocks. They have a high thermal mass capacity that stores energy and releases it gradually. The blocks are resistant to insects, fungi, mold, mildew, fire, rodents, and termites.
Source: https://www.unsustainablemagazine.com/hemp-the-little-plant-that-could/
Source: https://www.webmd.com/diet/hemp-health-benefits-nutrition-uses#1